
Showing posts from May, 2019

5 Reasons Why My Daily Choice, May Not Be For You!

5 Reasons: Look, I am a person that keeps it straight forward.  I don't like to beat around the bush so let's get to the meat and potatoes. I have failed at MANY network marketing companies, so much to the point that it caused friction in my marriage.  However, I had that dying passion to get to the top and be successful; furthermore, prove to my husband that I can do it. Truth is, it wasn't the company was bad, my lazy mindset was bad.  This online business and network marketing take a lot of time and effort.   ****If none of these characteristics meet you THAN I'D LIKE YOU ON MY TEAM! Take the My Daily Choice tour right here   =======>    ENTER  <======= If you join my team, you won't have to worry about marketing.  My top 3 performers will be taken care of! TOP 5 REASONS WHY PEOPLE FAIL🔻 Being Naive , you know why because of the fact they're a lot of scams out there promising 40 acres and a mul...

What Are Your Go To Supplements When You Are Tired & Need Energy? Check Out What I Use!

Over 40 Question When you get 40 and over, it seems everything starts to break down at once.  You could get out of bed put one foot down and break your whole leg.  (Obvious Exageration), You get my drift though. With My Daily Choice supplements , when used consistently; you start to feel your body become strong again.  No, it doesn't cure cancer or any disease for that matter; however, it does give you an extra boost to get through the day. What Products Am I Talking About? Thought you'd never ask! From the healthy energy spray to the brain supplement spray My Daily Choice offers a variety of products that can make our lives feel like we are in our 20's again. Are you a physical trainer? A Yoga Instructor? A Nutritionist? These supplements can help with your customer's overall performance.  You can give it as a gift, raffle it off or something creative while you earn an extra income at the sa...

5 Major Reasons You Haven't Succeed At Network Marketing

The Reasons, The Reason's That We Are Here! One can attribute many reasons as to why people fail at network marketing with promising companies.  Of course, the design of any of these companies if for the man at the top to make most of the profit; but that doesn't mean there isn't enough to go around. If you are new to the arena beware of some the too good to be true pitches where they claim you'll be a billionaire or something over the top like that.  You might as well cash a Haitian check before joining those type companies. You must work to get to where you want to be in life and before the internet MOST of us knew that.  Nowadays everyone was a quick cash life and that's just not how things go in real life or online. In this post, I will point out from my own experience why most people have not succeeded in Network Marketing.    Lack of Leadership is my #!.  Yea you get all the great gals and guys that swear they'll be there for you...

My Personal Experience With Sleep Deprivation

Let's Be Clear Sleep Deprivation (Insomnia) SUCKS I genuinely use to hate my husband because he would get a good 8 to 9 hours of sleep while I struggled with getting 1. The moment I got pregnant with my daughter in 2004, sleep became and I became enemies and I have No idea what I did to piss him/her off!  Of course, being pregnant, there is not much a doctor can give you, so he recommended homeopathic treatment.   So I drove all over Maryland and parts of Virginia (we were stationed there at the time), trying to find this homeopathic magic that would save my relationship with sleep.  To keep the story short I found them, but they were hardly capable of making me and sleep friends again.   After giving birth to my daughter my sleep woes continue, not just continue but got worse. I would be up all night.  Mind you I'm Active Duty Air Force at the time so I have to be to work in the morning.   I was breastfeeding my ...

My Daily Choice Phenominal Scam

I wanted to share a video of me introducing myself and you will hear a lot from me and my opinions on online businesses. I have been in this industry for many years and have been scammed so many times and I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy. This video is just an intro and many more to come! Stay tuned!

What Healthy Choices Are You Making Today?!?

             Why Healthy So Much Nowadays You Say? It's simple, people are dying too young in our world today.   My Daily Choice gives you a jumpstart to a journey of healthy living without putting up much of a sweat. The products are amazing, I personally like the energy spray because I have a hard time waking up in the morning, and the amount of coffee I need to wake up gives me jitters.   This has been a life saver for me. Not only am I getting healthier and healthier and changing my habits, but I am also earning money from sharing it with others. Join my Mydaily Choice Team and let's rock and roll to the bank, with a healthy mindset!

I Was Told NO, On So Many Job Interviews: Until An Unique Opportunity Came Out of No Where!

                         JOB Interviews Suck!                                  How you can SKIP the interview & make 6 figures! It's such a drag getting prepared for a job interview, excited yet nervous at the same time; only to be rejected with that awful word NO! Rejection is good cause it only shows you tried.   That's what this world needs more of, people willing to branch out and try new ventures,  new ideas, a new career and or the like.  So I made that step one day and I never turned back. The opportunity is called MyDailyChoice or MDC for short!    MyDailyChoice offers health enhancements from anywhere to energy to sleep; you name a health issue My Daily Choice has a solution. MDC has a wonderful low-cost start with a generous compensation plan.  Take a look for yourself by clickin...