5 Reasons Why My Daily Choice, May Not Be For You!

5 Reasons:

Look, I am a person that keeps it straight forward.  I don't like to beat around the bush so let's get to the meat and potatoes.

I have failed at MANY network marketing companies, so much to the point that it caused friction in my marriage.  However, I had that dying passion to get to the top and be successful; furthermore, prove to my husband that I can do it.

Truth is, it wasn't the company was bad, my lazy mindset was bad.  This online business and network marketing take a lot of time and effort.  

****If none of these characteristics meet you THAN I'D LIKE YOU ON MY TEAM!

Take the My Daily Choice tour right here  =======>  ENTER <=======

If you join my team, you won't have to worry about marketing.  My top 3 performers will be taken care of!


  1. Being Naive, you know why because of the fact they're a lot of scams out there promising 40 acres and a mule and it's some young prick pulling people in.   Stay Woke
  2. Being Inconsistent- Inconsistency leads to failure because if you just do a little bit here and there you going fall behind the people really putting in work.  Also, gives one the tendency to get the motivation to pick up where they left all. 
  3. Too Busy, We are adults and have to go out to your real-world job, things can kinda get pushed to the side.   It takes effective marketing, keyword research, video marketing, and if time ain't on your side (YOU CAN'T WIN ROCKY),  Sorry my favorite movie is Rocky 4, got a little carried away.
  4. Lack of Funds-  Let's be frank all this network marketing cost money. If your bank account is not set up right steer clear of ANY home business online
  5. Just Lazy- That yea, I'll start tomorrow attitude or that I'm going to binge watch Netflix type attitude, steer clear of My Daily Choice or any other online business.


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